Leveraging Agile Methodology for Software Development Team


Agile practices for software development are a widely adapted technique in this day and age. It’s not just about getting things done faster; leveraging methodology has improved many organizations’ infrastructure and overall performance.

How Leveraging Agile Methodology Can Bring Your Team Up To Speed leveraging agile

Today, let’s discuss how you can improve your team and, in turn, your company by leveraging agile methodology.

How Agile Methodology Benefits You

When traditionally running a tight ship, your ideas can take at least a year for the team to implement and bring satisfactory results for the stakeholders. God created the earth in one week; a lot can happen in a year.

  • The overall situation may change and has a chance of decreasing the demand for the product.
  • The market’s future can change dramatically overnight, and the change is constant
  • Technology can change or improve
  • Customer behavior can change

As you can see here, the endless possibilities can lead to a decline. But when thinking agile, the concept is entirely the opposite.

The agile approach doesn’t start with a pre-fixed mindset. Agile promotes adaptability to changes, no matter where said changes take place. As you can see, there are multiple instances where a pre-fixed plan simply won’t work because any variables are subject to change.

When you have a dedicated team working with Agile, these instances will not affect the current work in motion in any way or manner because then the team can always break down complex tasks into shorter task blocks to analyze the problem for each.

Once one task block has been completed and all the issues have been fixed, they can move on to the next block. Working this way has two core advantages:

  • Dividing tasks into smaller batches increases focus on the task at hand since no one gets overwhelmed
  • It’s possible to analyze the issues regarding a design or programming codes better with smaller blocks

These small task blocks can be completed in a one-to-four-week phase called a “Sprint.” After each sprint, the team will collect customer feedback on the completed task and implement the feedback into future iterations.

Your in-house development team is constantly solving problems while improving the current product in development, increasing the chances of the final product being nearly flawless.

In a competitive market where everyone is out to grab more customers, your goal is to retain each customer you gain with faster and positive results and continuous improvement of the services. The surefire method for ensuring this will always be agile methodology.

How Agile Can Improve The Testing System

The main difference between agile testing and traditional testing is the faster pace and different continuous iterations of said improvements.

In the traditional testing method, the team must submit detailed documentation, which requires thorough analysis, review, and evaluation before the testing process begins. The product testers will then take more time to prepare test case designs and enter the right codes for the test cases, which can consume additional time to be completed accurately.

Agile is all about embracing adaptability and constant changes. Many changes will require product improvement, and these new changes need to be tested for functionality before they can be released to the target audience.

In an agile team, every team member is like a Swiss army knife, a multi-purpose tool for software development. So it’s easier for them to adapt to new testing methods and not spend extra time after document verification.

With agile, everyone is encouraged to try new perspectives, making each test less scripted and more explorative and creative.

Due to rapid iterations, the product and the testing are always undergoing new changes, making the testing process more diverse and creative. As a result, the final product is ready to tackle all possible situations that may arise during a user journey.

How Leveraging Agile Can Speed Up Marketing Strategies

The agile marketing approach has revolutionized modern marketing, and here are three ways it does so:

  1. Speed & Efficiency: With improved productivity, agile can speed up effective campaign deliveries that have a higher possibility of attracting a bigger target audience. Since agile is all about adaptability to changes, it can easily detect problems in marketing, and the team can switch tracks to avoid potential pitfalls.
  2. Transparency: Agile doesn’t follow the traditional organizational silo structure. As a result, there are fewer higher-ups that the marketing team needs to take the approval of since every one of them is already on the same page.
  3. Adaptability: Agile marketing strategies also follow a similar path to agile software development, where the team experiments with different strategies to market a full-fledged product to determine the marketing campaign’s result. The team can easily adapt to different strategies to reach a bigger audience.

Why Agile Software Development Is A Great Choice

Iterative Development

Iterative development allows repetition in the product development cycle, allowing the team to get a first preview version ready faster without frustrating the stakeholders.

Once the stakeholders have received and reviewed the product’s first version, they can continue to iterate future versions with improvements based on feedback from stakeholders.

Faster Development

The very first principle of the agile manifesto is to satisfy the customer with fast and continuous delivery of a product.

Agile methodology helps the developers deliver fast and continuously through sprints. Each sprint is designed to be one to four weeks long, and the product development team and the project manager consider all the results for further product improvement in the next sprint.

This entire process increases the overall pace of development to a great extent, enabling faster delivery. This is why agile is considered a mindset rather than simply improvised work practice.

High-Quality Design

Agile strives for excellence, which comes in the form of a top-notch product design that is sound in both interaction and execution of actions. Of course, no agile team will only focus on the programming.

Design is part of the entire agile process as well, and the designers will constantly reiterate their design till they can decide on a version that the stakeholders unanimously think is better.

Due to the fresh perspectives and constant improvements, all products developed through agile development methods always possess high-quality designs and have a much better user experience.

More Flexibility For The Process

Agile and flexibility are almost synonymous. You cannot be agile without being flexible, which also applies to the entire in-house development team, regardless of their designation.

Agile is all about constant adaptability to changes during different development phases, which is impossible without complete flexibility. If you’re sticking to a preset formula, you’re going the traditional development route, and the process isn’t agile.

True agile is when you let the team think and work outside the box and develop improvised solutions that bring better results for product development.

4 Key Ways To Leverage Agile Transformation

1. Find Your Transformation Ambition And Work Towards It

Agile transformation is no small task. A complete transformation of the work culture of the entire workforce can be time and resource-consuming, and mistakes can set you back a lot more than you can imagine.

Engaging the transformation process with an open mindset and clear goals is best to avoid such mishaps. Working towards a said goal is easier when you know exactly what you want.

Start with a clear statement expressing your business goals for the next year or two. Then work on the necessary changes in the workforce till the transformation is complete.

2. Focus On The Sprints With Detailed Outcome Metrics

A traditional software development project can go on for a year at least. But during these times, the outcomes are not always certain as there are a lot of factors that can change.

In agile, you can adapt to different changes in each sprint. The result of every sprint can help you determine the issues and places where you need to improve. Define detailed outcome metrics for each of these sectors that can help you understand the extent of the problem or need for improvement.

When the outcome metrics are detailed, they can help you deliver tangible results and can help reach your previously defined business goals.

3. Organize Teams For Speed And Ownership of Outcomes

Agile processes focus on teams that can deliver the desired outcome with a fine mix of speed and excellence.

The team must always be able to communicate individual progress and stay constant on the path of development and improvement. Communication is key when it comes to agile, and the best way to maintain communication is to create a small team with the “two-pizza rule.”

With a small and efficient professional team, the team leader can also communicate with everyone and keep their morale up by providing psychological safety, a flexible work environment, and constantly solving different issues.

4. Sprint, Assess, Stop, or Pivot Forward

You could describe a sprint as a short race. Within this short race, your developer team achieves clear outcomes by completing small chunks of work.

These sprints can sometimes become complex with different problems arising, which the team can solve with their previous learning and improvising a new solution.

Each sprint can also limit the overall amount of consumed resources, which enables a better prediction for development costs.

The best part of a sprint is the team can quickly assess the objectives they can or cannot work on. The team will work on what they can and skip what they cannot. This way, unnecessary time loss is also removed from the equation.

There might be times when the rest of the development can get locked behind a problem the team needs to solve first to progress. In cases like that, the entire team can stop development, assess the situation, and solve the issue, or move forward with other tasks if possible.

Leveraging Agile Technology For Faster Business Insight

In an era where data and information are more valuable than oil, you should focus on gathering as much business insight as possible to improve your entire organization. Agile can speed up the process and get you more accurate business insights, and here’s how you can do it.

Employee Monitoring

The success of any agile organization is directly tied to the overall productivity the organization can generate within the workspace. When you arrange monitoring for each employee, you can determine the overall productivity of the entire team.

Employee monitoring can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each individual, and you can design employee improvement programs based on the information to suit everyone’s capabilities while increasing their efficiency with training.

Project Tracking

Project tracking helps you determine the most profitable projects or the aspects of a certain project that can bring better outcomes. This information helps you reallocate your human resources for the correct priority, so the final product can achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

Even when the project plan changes, agile practices can help you and your project team adapt to the new changes to complete the project with satisfactory deliverables for the business model and the customers.

Asset Management

Nowadays, most companies are spending money on asset management technologies that can help with better equipment management and inventory resource monitoring.

These technical assets are assigned to full-time employees to keep the tech stack updated and secure from cyber-attacks.

Finding the right assets for maximizing productivity, repair, and maintenance is a goldmine of opportunities for any business owner. With proper asset management, you can:

  • Improve your ROI
  • Secure all devices related to the organization
  • Cut unnecessary costs by removing technical debt
  • Improve decision-making on all levels
  • Help plan a product timeline with greater accuracy

Product Development

Data analytics can help a business understand the market’s current needs while giving them a proper foundation for a product they are trying to launch. Business owners can use this information to keep track of products that have attracted a large audience.

Product owners and team leaders can use this information to improve the overall quality of the product by communicating the information with the product/ software development team.

To Wrap It All Up

Are you the owner of a business that’s trying to build an MVP as fast as possible? Leveraging agile methodology can maximize your success rate by enabling you to offer a minimal yet functional software product to your target audience as soon as possible.


What Is Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology is a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development.

What Is the Role of the Stakeholders?

The stakeholders are the individuals or groups interested in the product or project, such as customers, end-users, sponsors, or management.

How Do You Ensure Collaboration in Agile Methodology?

You can ensure collaboration in agile methodology by promoting transparency, communication, and cross-functional teamwork.

How Do You Measure Progress in Agile Methodology?

You can measure progress in agile methodology by tracking the completion of user stories, monitoring the burndown chart, and conducting regular retrospectives.

How Do You Adapt to Changing Requirements in Agile Methodology?

You can adapt to changing requirements in agile methodology by embracing the principles of flexibility, continuous delivery, and adaptive planning and involving the stakeholders in the decision-making process.
