Impala Intech Partners With DigitalOcean to Ensure Better Web Hosting For Clients


Impala Intech Partners with DigitalOcean for Web Hosting

We’re happy to announce our new partnership with DigitalOcean, a safe, simplistic, & highly efficient cloud hosting provider.

With this partnership, Impala Intech is aiming to take away the challenges regarding:

  • Continuous Integration (CI).
  • Software Speed.
  • Server Security.
  • Integrations Costs.

Let’s have a look how this partnership will benefit both our team & our clients.

Scaling Up is Easier – For Both Clients & Developers

At Impala Intech, we follow Agile Methodologies for every stage of our software development process.

It allows us to:

  • Develop faster with intense testing.
  • Implement the improvements throughout the sprints.

With DigitalOcean, our development team now can ensure Continuous Integration (CI) that will allow us to run multiple tests while preparing to deploy the final product.

As you know, testing requires a lot of processing power, & with DigitalOcean’s cloud-based testing, we’ve taken our software testing process to the next level.

It’ll solve the need to constantly scale the servers to meet testing demands that would cost valuable development time, speed and security measures.

This will also prepare our clients businesses ready for the future, as they can easily scale up the hosting as we continue to grow.

Faster Loading, Easy To Maintain, & A Secured System

DigitalOcean has 15 secured data centers around the globe to ensure fastest loading & operation time.

That means, depending on your location, it will serve from the nearest data center, saving you even milliseconds in each step.

Suppose you’re visiting a DigitalOcean hosted website from USA. It’ll load the site from the nearest data center according to geographical distance.

But if one of your customers is accessing the same webpage at the same time in Europe, they’ll be served from the London or the Paris data center, whichever is closest to them.

The development team at Impala Intech has received a significant boost from the additional power of faster coding, testing and deployment after we’ve moved our entire development to DigitalOcean.

Here’s how both our clients & the development team are benefitting from it:

  • Higher Speed: Developers can now scale their testing process to run tests in parallel without having to wait to test their code. Clients can access their website faster.
  • High-Security Testing Environment: Each segment of code will now be tested in a highly secure cloud environment. For further security, codes will be discarded once the testing process is complete.
  • Affordability: All our clients will be able to save a substantial amount of money when paying for servers for use.

With this partnership, Impala Intech has adapted the open source system and a collaborative approach to software development.

Get Started With Impala Intech+ DigitalOcean Today

Now are you looking to create a competent software application for your organization as the next product to market?

Or looking forward to create a new cloud-based system infrastructure that will stand the test of time while maintaining all standard company practices?

Our professional development team at Impala Intech can help you achieve this.

And with our current partnership with DigitalOcean, we can ensure a safer and user-friendly software product for you.

Impala Intech Partners with DigitalOcean Web Hosting

Feel free to inquire further by taking a look at the services we provide, and the technology we use for our clients like you.

Or, you can contact us for any questions you might have for us.

We’d love to hear about your project.

FAQ: DigitalOcean

1. Does DigitalOcean offers any educational resources for users?

Yes, DigitalOcean provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and guides to help users understand and make the most of their services.

2. Can I use DigitalOcean for hosting e-commerce applications securely?

Definitely, DigitalOcean provides a secure and scalable environment suitable for hosting e-commerce applications and online stores.

3. Can I use DigitalOcean for hosting web applications and websites?

DigitalOcean is a popular choice for hosting web applications and websites, supporting various web technologies.

4. How does DigitalOcean handle backup and data recovery?

DigitalOcean offers automated backups for Droplets and managed databases, providing a reliable data recovery solution.

5. Can I easily scale my infrastructure with DigitalOcean services?

Yes, DigitalOcean provides easy scaling options, allowing you to increase resources based on your application’s demands.

To build your project with Impala Intech’s experience & DigitalOcean’s security, book a meeting now.
